Mesa Verde Resources, New Mexico, USA
1. Soil Fertility programs, fertilizer recommendations 2. Product formulations
Micro Growing Sciences, Iowa
1. Soybean Asian rust control program 2. Botanical pesticide formulations 3. Corn army worm control
Fang Chemicals, Georgia
1. Phytophthora problems in soybean 2. Did a project with potassium phosphonate as an alternative source of Phosphatic fertilizer
UAS of America, Inc.
1. Azakaranj (Neem and Pungam oil) as fertilizer formulations research and development 2. Technical marketing of their products in USA and India 3. Technical presentations preparation with selective inputs to mitigate Nitrate directive law enforced in Ireland
National AgriOrganic Products limited, Ireland
1.Pine tree aforestation projects 2.Pine weevil control program in Ireland Forestry 3.Nitrate Directive management Eco-friendly products formulated for vine weevil problems in the horticultural nurseries
Sustainable Agro Solutions (SAS), Spain
1. Botanical pesticides formulations, testing and evaluations
Agra-Group, Czech Republic
1.Botanical pesticides formulations, testing and evaluations
Berjaya Sewerage Services SDN.BHD, Malaysia
1.Oil palm health care program 2.Sewage sludge treatment projects
Royal Classic Mills, Tirupur
1. Cotton contract farming projects 2. Eco-friendly pesticide products for cotton cultivation